Lower end unit questions...
Thanks so much for the info. Hopefull I'll get start tearing into
it early next week.
F330 GT wrote:
Since I just did that on the same engine about a year ago, I'll try to help. As
I recall, there are 3 seals and 1 copper bushing to replace. The shift rod has
the copper bushing which is easy, dig out the old one and tap the new one in
with a hammer and a flat screwdriver. The next is on the drive shaft under the
water pump. Also easy but while you have the water pump out I'd do the whole
kit. You've got too much labor involved in dropping the lower unit to skimp
now. The last two are the hardest to get to. Pull the propeller and down inside
the carrier are 3 bolts that hold it in. Remove them and then slide the carrier
out and you'll see the other seals. It's important to notice which way these
are facing. One keeps the water out and the other keeps the oil in. The are the
visually the same but you MUST replace them the same as they came out.
Unless you run into a lot of corrsosion, the whole thing should take about 3 to
4 hours. The parts are relatively inexpensive.