Bend Over for 'Big' Oil
Gene Kearns wrote:
On Wed, 30 May 2007 16:10:36 -0400, "Reginald P. Smithers III"
Most economist would tell you that the selfish respect for their own
pocketbook is actually the best thing for the American Worker, the
American Consumer and the American Economy.
I guess my response, then, is that we have yet another group of
advisors that are educated far beyond their intelligence.
Walmart abandoned the "Made in America" philosophy when Sam Walton
died... and as far as I am concerned walmart died with him.
There is no way that sending thousands of jobs overseas and billions
of dollars overseas is good for America or Americans. I can't, for the
life of me, understand the change in the American spirit..... when we
proudly bought the best goods available.... and were able to own and
maintain those tools for many years. We now buy cheap, crappy, made in
China junk that is quickly used up and fills our landfills. The net
result of this is a 20 BILLIION dollar PER MONTH balance of trade
deficit with China which they have turned around to be holders of
about 25% (last I heard) of the US's total debt.
Every time you shop at walmart, just know that you are increasing the
national debt to China and cutting another American out of the
potential for earning some part of that purchase price.
This is not a closed economy. A selfish respect for one's own
pocketbook does not mean that you are doing the right thing by your
country or your countrymen. This isn't news.... it is just a shoe on
the other foot. We ought to be smart enough not to fall victim to the
practices and policies that filled the American coffers out of other
countries poor business deals. Apparently, we are not.
The economist would tell you that short term their will be problems with
displaced workers, but in the long run, the best thing for America and
Americans is for all American's to have a selfish respect for one's own
pocketbook. They would tell you if we can not be competitive with 3rd
world countries, we need to find a product or service that we can be
competitive and place our resources producing those goods or services.
The idea of tariff's (wither imposed by the govt. or self imposed like
you are suggesting) has never been in the best interest of anyone or any
country, and in the long run will harm the citizens and country of
anyone who imposes them.
Your comment about buying the best goods available is the reason why
Toyota is the number one mfg'ers of automobiles in the US. Wither it is
true or not, many people believe Toyota is a better auto.