Bend Over for 'Big' Oil
On Thu, 31 May 2007 14:53:32 -0400, HK wrote:
Gene Kearns wrote:
On 31 May 2007 18:04:35 GMT, "Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute"
In message , Gene Kearns
sprach forth the following:
Maybe if we didn't have an influx of cheap crap
"An influx of cheap crap" - a perfect description of illegal immigration.
I don't know that I'd stoop to using those words, but it is virtually
the same problem as walmart, et al.
Illegal immigration should and MUST be stopped, but it is not in the
interests of this administration to do so. I hope the next
administration can read immigration laws for content and develop
enough courage to do the right thing.
Bush has been a major player in the desire to sell out American workers,
he's not the only one to blame. Look to corporate America, whose goal
it is to revert back to the 18th and 19th Centuries in this country when
employees were little more than chattel. Real wages are going down the
toilet, and benefits are disappearing. Unlike most of the rest of the
civilized Western world, we don't have any system of national health
care or even a serious system to retrain workers whose jobs are
Illegals are easy to exploit and help further drive down the wages of
American workers. We're headed down a long slide right into the toilet.
Never has the Republican mantra of "I've got mine, so screw you" been
more apt. Perhaps in 25 years or so we'll have a really violent worker
revolution and we'll see lots of multinational corporate heads on pikes.
I doubt I'll be here to see it, though, and that makes me sad.
Yes, I'd forgotten that the liberals are doing all they can to stop illegal
immigration and return the millions of illegals that are already here. Of
course, those folks don't affect wages because they're a 'mythical' supply.
When there is no competition for labor, why should anyone pay more than the