Help w/physics problem
"Gordon" wrote in message
Al Gore told me that global warming was causing the arctic ice cap
to melt and the ocean is going to rise 20 feet.
Last night I mixed a drink in a tall glass with lots of ice. I left
it sit too long and the ice melted but the glass did NOT overflow. In
fact the liquid level was the same!
What's wrong here? (besides ruining a perfectly good drink)
Maybe that idiot Gore should have said "Antarctic" instead of Artic.
True that the arctic ice sits atop the ocean. But, the Antarctic ice
mostly sits atop a continent.
What I find puzzling is this business with the ice cores. They drill
deep in the Arctic and the Antarctic and go way way back close to a
million years to find out the composition of the atmosphere way back
when. If levels of CO2 were often much higher way back then how come the
ice stayed around while all that was going on but is going to melt now?
There is not one single human-caused global warming advocate who can
explain this glaring fault in their logic.
Wilbur Hubbard