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Mike Mike is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 361
Default 2006 Chaparral 256 ssi Stereo Question

My experience with remotes is that they most certainly are not universal. I
doubt that you can simply splice in the old remotes to the clarion head
unit. Can you fashion a backing plate of sorts to cover the old holes to
accomodate the new remotes? As far as the sirius controller, yup, you'll
need a new one for the clarion.


"ianjones" wrote in message
Recently the JBL stereo in my 256 shorted and the controls were no
longer working on the faceplate. I replaced it with a Clarion CMD4.
Everything works great except for the Sirius and 2 wired remotes. The
Clarion has different interfaces than the JBL so they cannot connect.
I think I may to buy a new Sirius controller that is made for the
Clarion but the bigger problem is the remotes. I can easily replace
them with Clarion remotes but the cutouts in the transom and helm are
made for the JBL remotes and it will look very bad if I put round
remotes in rectangular holes! Any suggestions? I was thinking I might
be able to splice the remote wires with the input on the Clarion or
buy new remotes and a new dashboard plate I can but...

Any help is much appreciated.