Do I need an NMEA multiplexer ?
Hello Group
Started the installation of an easyais unit today initially tried to
get the 4800 baud data into the NMEA port input on the s3 corepack but
it seems that it does not re transmit the data back out from the
corepack into the c70 plotter.
The AIS works great straight into the plotter at 4800 baud but that
means discopnnection of the S3 and means no heading data to the c70.
So will i need a multiplexer / combiner ?
my sys
C70 (at helm) ST6001 AP head , st60 wind speed log etc.
S3 corepack with external rate gyro with seatalk in and out also
sending nmea 0183 to C70
I do have a raymarine interface at helm which has seatalk input and
NMEA out to feed navtex and VHF (nmea) but this does not have a
seatalk return back up to the nav gear.
I really thought I might get away with just poking the ais into the S3
and have it retransmit back onto the seatalk or nmea network but now I
have given this a bit more thought it seems unliklely
Any suggestions on budget multiplexor appreciated