Gonzales Names Nifong New U.S. Attorney
John wrote:
"Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute" wrote in message
In message , HK sprach forth the
Durham, NC (APE) - In a surprise move today, US Attorney General Alberto
Gonzales announced that he would be making a special appointment of
former District Attorney Mike Nifong to serve as a US Attorney.
You DO know that Nifong was appointed by a DEMOCRAT*, right?
Better get you facts straight before calling someone else a Retard, it shows
your own ignorance.
Nifong was ELECTED by the good people of Durham, which has a large black
population and a hatred of the "rich Duke Students". Coincidently- this
case coincided with Nifong's reelection campaign.
* North Carolina guvnir Mike Easley.
Easley, a Democrat, first appointed Nifong to fill someone else's
unexpired term. It was Nifong's incompetence that brought him to the
attention of Gonzales, who saw in him a kindred spirit.