turning and tabs
"Bill Kearney" wkearney-99@hot-mail-com wrote in
It's called adaptability. You learn how the boat handles over time
and adapt your techniques which allows you to handle different
situations correctly.
Exactly my point. I take issue with folks that insist on espousing
absolutes when it comes to close quarters handling of a boat. All
this nonsense about what you MUST do, without taking the setup of the
boat into account, is stupid.
I have a friend who has a really old bubble boat and I can't dock it
- literally. It's got so many quirks/quarks/quibbles in the steering
and shifting that you really have to know the boat to do it
And you'll never learn the nuances of the boat if you get hung up on
stupid advice like not using throttles or rudders. It may well prove
to be true that a given boat will handle just fine with no rudder
action at only an idle. But you'll never know until you try.
I'm not sure if this response is directed at me or not..... if it
is.....HUH??????????? ROFL