Locating a transducer...
On Thu, 05 Jul 2007 10:54:37 -0400, HK wrote:
Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
On Wed, 04 Jul 2007 18:22:49 -0400, HK wrote:
Price is not an issue: there's really not much difference in pricing
between a good transom mount and the through hull.
As long as the transducer makes contact with clean water, there is no
difference between the two systems. The key is to keep the transducer
in the water flow and not where air and foam can interrupt the sonar
It's really a matter of appearance.
My Ranger has a very odd transom and I don't have a problem with clean
water - even in turns. It's all in how you set it up.
Through glass is never going to be as sensitive and, although it's not
happened to me, can distort the returning echo giving a false depth
reading. Note that it's never happened to me.
I've never had problems with transom mount transducers, but this time on
the boat we're considering, there is an easy way to mount a
through-hull, with easy access to where it should be mounted. This sort
of mounting will keep a wire off the transom, and will prevent the
transducer from being whapped by the trailer bunk if I load the boat up
catawampous, as it were.
If you don't mind me asking, what brand/model of boat are you thinking