Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points kicks Liberal lying sacks in the teeth on al-Qaida Saddamn links
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Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points kicks Liberal lying sacks in the teeth on al-Qaida Saddamn links
(Cap) wrote in message
Ahhh.. name calling. The last bastion of the intellectually inferior.
The final argument for the wiseguy without an arguement.
"Neocon wanna-be"... Perhaps you could enlighten me as to what EXACTLY
a neocon wanna-be really is?
Neo- meaning *new*
con- short for *conservative
wanna-be- slang for someone who *wants to be*.
So, neocon is short for *new conservative*, a phrase coined to explain
the new age jackals that inhabit the right wing, and those that WANT
TO BE, but are a little short in the intelligence department, so they
don't quite know how.
Simple, really. I think that most people of average intelligence would
be able to figure out what a "neocon wanna-be" is.
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