Scariest Experience In A Storm?
On Jul 8, 10:06 am, wrote:
Subject says it all. Thrills, chills, or ****-your-pants spills on
the ocean? Please share them here.
Did your vessel make it out in one piece?
What went through your head? Were you praying? Did your life flash
before your eyes? Or was it something decidedly less dramatic?
When I was 10, my Dad took me to Tobermory, Ontario for a week. We
took a Charter Boat (along with 20 others) out to Flowerpot Island for
a trip.
The day went well, but as the afternoon progressed, a storm was
brewing. Before the boat came back, it was near a half Gale. All the
people were huddled in this shelter waiting for the Boat.
The rain was pouring, the wind was howling,the water was smashing up
against the shelter, and the men decided to put up Picnic tables to
shelter the folks. It was absolutley awefull, and this little 80 year
old man was laughing away. When I asked him why, he answered "I've
never had so much fun in all my life"
After that, I didnt worry.
Mr Windburn