200 People Busted For Alcohol-Related Offenses On The Little Miami River
On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 20:03:59 -0700, Chuck Gould
I offer again my example from earlier in this thread. Joe Doaks has a
party of guests out for an afternoon cruise. Joe isn't drinking, and
in fact he's piloting the boat from the flybridge. Down below in the
salon, Mrs. Doaks is serving Margaritas to a couple guests of legal
drinking age. Is Joe Doaks a criminal? Should he be hauled into court
and made to answer for his behavior? In many states, certain boating
offenses cross reference to your vehicular driving license, so should
stone sober Joe's car insurance be cancelled or his premiums be
doubled because somebody else on his boat (well out of reach of the
skipper) had an alcoholic beverage?
How do you make the distinction between passengers and Captain? Do
the passengers have a sign on their backs that says "Passenger"?
Look, I'm not totally convinced that the situation that originated
this discussion was reasonable - there is a point where enforcing the
law requires descretion and balance - I totally agree.
However, if there is a history of abuse in a particular area and the
users and bordering neighbors complain about same, then drastic
enforcement may be required as a warning.
I'm sure the cops would much rather be out doing other things than
bsting some poor stiff who had a Bud while paddling down the river.