200 People Busted For Alcohol-Related Offenses On The Little Miami River
Stupid fu**in" pigs only protecting their budget probably, trying to
show folks they are doing their job and not chasing girls and rolling
pimps all night. When you see an operation like this it is probably
because someone is putting pressure on them to slow down a little. So
they come out to a big public event, with lot's of media, and bully a
few people around, make the papers. Bull****, that's all it is. Like
around here, they come out once a year, usually near October (right
before elections) or so and do a big bust where they make a lot of
noise and take a few kids smoking joints off the street, but they
carefully work around anyone who is moving any quantity, would not
want to really shut off the gravy train!
Imagine what that effort could have done to the drug business in the
area, if they really wanted to bust pushers, but they don't do blue on
blue enforcement!