Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points kicks Liberal lying sacks in the teeth on al-Qaida Saddamn links
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 10:42:25 -0400, Harry Krause wrote:
Gould 0738 wrote:
of conservbative logic.
1. Make an assumption
2. Declare you own assumption "true"
2. (a) Make additional assumptions that rely on the truth of the previous
3. Decide your newly discovered truth is holy writ and become self righteous in
its promulgation.
Thanks for sharing!
Indeed, this is what I enjoy most about the "cons" here...and why I
rarely bother to correct their "mis-assumptions." It's fun to watch them.
Saw a pretty sight when I went to Breezy Point to visit my buddy on the Linda J.
Just inside the gate, on the right, on a trailer, was a Parker 2520XL named the
"Yo Ho." Don't know if it's yours or not, but it looks much like it. Parked
where it is, it's going to collect a lot of dust from the limestone and clay as
people drive around there. I'd be tempted to put it further away from the main
John H
On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD
on the beautiful Chesapeake Bay!