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John Smith
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Default Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points kicks Liberal lying sacks in the teeth on al-Qaida Saddamn links

Harry is desperately seeking attention, even if some calls him a cocksucker,
he still likes it because he is getting the attention he doesn't get in the
real world.

What kind of person would fabricate a fictious degree for the woman he
married? Medically speaking, it would have to be one sick puppy. ; )

"John H" wrote in message
On Tue, 22 Jun 2004 14:40:48 -0400, Harry Krause


John H wrote:
a J.
Just inside the gate, on the right, on a trailer, was a Parker 2520XL

named the
"Yo Ho." Don't know if it's yours or not, but it looks much like it.

I know where my boats are.

where it is, it's going to collect a lot of dust from the limestone and

clay as
people drive around there. I'd be tempted to put it further away from

the main

What tempts you doesn't interest me.

Tell me, John, do you post this kind of information in the hopes that
one of the lesser brain output types here will engage in a bit of


Perhaps I should publish your home address, telephone number, license
plate numbers (on your motorbike, too), and your SSN. Would you like


The thing is, I wouldn't do that to you. But you would do it to me.

And that's one of the big differences between us. I keep my disputes
here here. You, on the other hand, are out to cause damage.

You're a lowlife, John Herring.

Are we a little paranoid, Harry? You seemed to have no problem with the

knowledge of where your boat was last year. If I uncovered a big secret,
unintentionally, then I apologize.

I honestly believe there is no one here, at least amongst those whom you

names, who gives a rat's ass about where 'either' of your boats are


I'll ask my buddy, the 'Linda J' owner, to keep an eye on it. He goes out

Breezy about three times a week. If it gets vandalized, I'll tell you. If

are honestly worried about it, then you've got it in a good place. The

doing the bottom painting and cleaning are right close.

Lastly, it seems that the 'lesser brain output types' to whom you refer

are very
supportive of you. Why would they want to vandalize your boat?

Maybe, if you feel people hate you so much, you could try being a little

nicer -
you know, not call so many people so many horrid names.

Just an idea.

John H

On the 'Poco Loco' out of Deale, MD
on the beautiful Chesapeake Bay!