Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points kicks Liberal lying sacks in the teeth on al-Qaida Saddamn links
Please Chuckie, whats your definition of a neocon?
(Since you asked)
Rather than a person who is newly conservative, (which a neocon may or may not
be), a neocon is a person who subscribes to the "new" conservatism.
The new conseratism is a black vs. white philosophy. All things are either very
good, or very wicked. The new conservatism, like all philosophies, defines its
own values as the "very good" values and all others as the "very wicked". All
values are extreme in neoconservatism. The Commander in Chief (they seldom
refer to him anymore as the president) is God's Chosen Leader for the American
People, and those who oppose or even question Him are aiding and abetting our
rapidly increasing number of enemies.
Limbaugh, Hannity, Coulter, Savage, and others epitomize the voices of
neoconservatism. It is a narrow minded and hateful, self congratulatory and
autovindicated system of belief.
However, before all four conservatives who will even bother to read this pick
up the nearest flame-thrower and come back with the moral-equivalency excuses
about liberals do this, this, and this.......
Not all conservatives are neocons. There are a handful of traditional
conservatives left in the world. The traditional conservatives are shocked at
the current size of the federal government and the dismal state of government
fiscal affairs. The traditional conservatives respect dissent, (recognizing
that at times it is their own voices that will be those of dissent, rather than
majority) and are not trapped by binary thinking. I have a very high regard for
traditonal, thoughtful, contemplative, rational conservatives.
The neo con says, "You're either with me, or against me!" The traditional
conservative says, "We either agree, or we need to work out a solution that
will be at least somewhat acceptable to all sides. It could be that neither of
us is *absolutely* right, and that there is more truth in the middle than on
either extreme."
So, no. A neocon isn't somebody who "used to be a liberal but saw the light".
(That's a fairly binary concept, that all people are either liberal or
conservative, anyway). A neocon is a binary thinker who used to be a liberal,
moderate, or traditional conservative but who has been blinded by the
propaganda and bulldung. Not exactly the same thing. :-)
(You asked)