Long time, no hear-Neal checks in
I know at least some of the folks here will doubt the authenticity of
this, but for the few who've been in touch with CN and so on.....
as I explained in my last e-mail, Cut the Mustard is now sold. It
seems that a last minute inheritance did little to salvage her as my
health declined far too rapidly. My diabetes led to threel toe
amputations and finally most of my right foot. My days of sailing are
"mostly" over, though this is due to other complications and not the
I've been reading your trolls on ASA and get a lot of laughs out of
them. I hope you think of me when you fabricate your little stories,
at least in spirit. It's also good to see that you're using your boat
and enjoying it as so few people really do. I believe that people like
Jeff, Scotty and Doug kept their boats as more of a form of protest
than any real desire to sail. Maybe you understand what I mean. I
won't explain it.
This may be my final e-mail for some time, perhaps forever. Gilly
continues my work on a daily basis, in a manner that I approve of and
a few others have picked up the gauntlet. Did you ever read "The
Postman" or see the movie version?
So carry on. ASA is still strong thanks to you and a few others. Be
grateful for the putzes like Scotty and Bart. To them the world is an
even smaller place than ASA.
I appreciate that you did not post the St. Vincent e-mail. Thanks.
Good health to you and be take care of the little one.
Captain Neal