Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points kicks Liberal lying sacks in the teeth on al-Qaida Saddamn links
Too rich!
All from the same post:
not that so-called "neocons" resort to binary thinking,
Followed by:
This definition is
nothing more than liberal justification for their demonization of
those who refuse to bend before their "enlightened" viewpoint.
They make the hard decisions rather
than engaging in endless debates from infinite angles.
Trying to turn an
essentially black/white issue into infinite shades of gray does
nothing more than invite endless debates on semantics, and hopelessly
bogs down the main issue with all sorts of "baggage".
Is the idea of fighting terrorism so repugnant
to the left, that denouncing it in a public forum is more important
than defending America?
Or is it possible that you do not agree that the people responsible
for terrorism are our real enemies? Yea, I know, liberals do not
believe in true evil. Liberals believe that "bad" people are they way
they are due to some social or environmental injustice. Maybe we
should just send them money and some really good drugs and the problem
will just go away on its own.......
Ta Da! :-)