WANTED: SGC SG-2000 - - Working or Not Working
In article ,
Larry wrote:
W7GSA wrote in news:1184866804.051661.139440
I am looking for an SG-2000 ADSP1 or ADSP2. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE
I don't remember ever seeing SGC gear actually "working"....(c;
at least not for very long..... I saw Don Stoner actually demonstrate
his "Famous Stoner Watts" onboard an Alaska State Ferry, years ago,
while in the shipYard in Seattle. I was the TechRep, during the Annual
SOLAS Inspection, and the FCC Inspector wanted a demostration of
the PEP Power Output of the Main MF/HF Radio, which was a NEW SGC711.
It was Rated for 100 Watts PEP but we could only get aboyut 35 Watts,
on the Bird Wattmeter, using a single tone test. The FCC Inspector
issued an Form 801 RedTag for NonCompliance with Title II Part II
of the Communications Act of 1934, as Ammended, which tied up the vessel
untill the Radio Passed the required Test. Don Stoner showed up the
next morning with a really fancy 200Mhz Sampling OScope, and connected
it across the DummyLoad. The procceeded to do the Singletone Power
Test which still only showed 35 Watts on the Bird WattMeter, but he
showed that there was a 100 Watt burst when the Transmitter was first
keyed that did actually produce 105 Watts for about 50 milliseconds,
before the Finals caved in. The FCC Inspector refused to accept that
Test, but was overruled by Headquarters, two days later, after Don
submitted the Poloroids of the Storage Scope Display, as evidence
of Compliance. The SOLAS Certificate was issued, and the vessel
sailed that way for a Year, and then the SGC Radios were removed,
and Icom 701's installed in their place.
BBruce in alaska just another Old Fart RadioMan....
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