Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points kicks Liberal lying sacks in theteeth on al-Qaida Saddamn links
Charles wrote in message ...
basskisser wrote:
Charles wrote in message ...
Harry Krause wrote:
jim-- wrote:
tug, tug...yank, for me Krause, I am your puppet master. LOL!
You keep repeating that, crap-for-brains, but only you and your circle
jerk of righties believe it, and only because most of you are dumb as
In a way, krause is about as big an idiot as b'asskisser. Deny, deny, deny.
-- Charlie
What a dumb ass.
My ass is dumb, but at least it's located on my backside. Yours is
between your ears.
-- Charlie
Another ignorant post from the village idiot.