Thanks for Josh & ShortWave for the reply.
"Gary" wrote in message
I'm wondering if I should have fast-acting or slow-acting fuses.
Thoughts or links to relevent information much appreciated.
Boat is 22'. Fuses are the glass type like on older autos. (AGC type??)
Like this one:
Fused electronics a
** Starter Solenoid
** Navagation lights
** Instruments & Depth Finder
** Cockpit / Courtesy Lights
** Manual Bilge Pump Switch
** 12-Volt Outlet
** Cabin Light
** From Generator / Regulator into the Electrical System
** Voltage Meter
Note: Bilge Pumps have a float. Two batteries on boat and two pumps. Each
pump has an always-on (not switched) line from one of the batteries. These
have in-line fuses, not in the fuse panel.