Help: Cleaning Corrosion from Distributor
On Jul 31, 9:41 pm, Inno wrote:
My distributor has some whitish deposits inside. What is the best way
to get rid of this and ensure no more moisture gets in? I have a 4.3
L V6 sterndrive Penta.
Actully the whitish deposits shouldn't hurt anything, ButI've cleaned
them out with Gumout or starting fluid before. shoot the contacts up
and let the cap dry.
Now an old trick of what the mud boggers do around here, is after re-
installing the cap, then you soak it , the base of the cap where it
meets the distributor and the wires, with hair spray. I knowsome guys
swear by it, because it will seal, wiout "glueing" the cap down. But
then again, if your distributor has a little screened vent in the
outerhousing, then there's not much you can do about it. But
seriously, you shouldn't have to clean the distributor cap contacts
out that much.
good luck.