Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points kicks Liberal lying sacks in the teeth on al-Qaida Saddamn links
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Dave Hall
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Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points kicks Liberal lying sacks in the
On 24 Jun 2004 14:04:12 -0700,
(Alex Horvath)
We can never win this war on terrorism by killing people. Even Tenet
says that to call the war on terrorism a war is incorrect, it is no
more a war than the war on crime or the war on drugs neither of which
will ever have an endpoint.
You make a good point here. We probably should re-evauate our tactics.
Tanks and bombs probably aren't the answer. But some form of force is.
Before we can do that though, we have to loosen up on the idea that
covert operations are "sneaky" or "underhanded".
We have probably increased the number of terrorists 10 fold by
invading Iraq. There are millions upon millions of potential recruits
throughout the world.
Once Iraq becomes stable and the people taste what it's like to be
self governing, I can't see why they would prefer to be oppressed by a
fanatical fundamentalist religious fanatic. The terrorists are running
scared. They know as well as we do, that once their people taste
freedom, there will be no turning back, and their power base will
The solution to the terrorism problem has been staring us in the face
for 40 years but I'm afraid we are just too blind to see it. We
unconditionally support Israel as they commit what basically amounts
to genocide.
Woah! back up Jack. Who is it that continually sends homicide bombers
into which country to blow up innocent civilians? Is Israel to blame
for fighting back? Does Israel not have a right to peaceful
We support a cadre of ruthless dictators as long as they
share our interests.
Like who?
At the same time we talk about democracy and free
elections. The hypocracy is so shameful as to render our proclamations
of freedom utter nonsense.
We would prefer that all dictatorships go away and be replaced by
democratic governments. Unfortunately we don't have the right to force
this on people unless (as in the case in Iraq) that government poses a
potential threat to world stability and our safety. If the oppressive
dictatorship is relatively benign (They aren't researching WMD,
killing thousands of it's own citizens, or invading a neighboring
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