Thanks Larry.
The information you gave : got me out of the hole.I found what I needed for
making the connections.Thank you guys for always giving a helping hand.Many
Larry wrote:
Thanks Peter
Just one problem I dont have the manuals or schematics,even do I know
how to use the garmin.I hope someone has the manual that specifies the
color of the wires for data out and data in.Thanks for your help
friend,your pointing me in the right direction......Regards .....Angel
Every Garmin discontinued gadget back to Noah's Ark depth sounder is on
garmin's support pages. Always go there, first, before here....(c;
Select market MARINE then DISCONTINUED for all the old stuff, no matter
what it is. They're all PDF files so you need Adobe Acrobat Reader from for free if you don't have it.
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