On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 13:16:15 -0400, Dave Hall wrote:
Well, we have people here opposed to overt military action. The
alternative is covert military action.
Those are the only two alternatives? How about dealing with third world
countries as we deal with first world countries?
When you have a society which does not allow the right to own arms or some
other means to defend itself, it can easily be taken over by an ambitious
person with charisma, and the inside track to the military. Many people
can also be swayed to support someone by the promises of a better life.
Once that person seizes power, they are free to oppress the people,
establish a police state and rule by fear and intimidation
Gun ownership in many of the countries we are talking about, especially
Arab countries, is pervasive. It hasn't helped them prevent tyrants.
We support a cadre of ruthless dictators as long as they share our
Like who?
As you didn't like my link, I'll just name a few. Somoza, Pinochet,
Trujillo, Diem, the Shah of Iran, Saddam, Noriega, Ferdinand Marcos,
Batista, Francois & Jean Claude Duvalier, Francisco Franco, George
Papadopoulas, Pol Pot, . . .
This site features the writing of someone who is so obviously left biased
that their objectivity is highly questionable. The author borders on
paranoid schizophrenia, as he tried to paint the picture of the U.S.
government looking for imaginary communists under every stone in every
Please, Blum could be a looney tune. It wouldn't change a factual list of
CIA interventions.
Communism WAS a legitimate threat. The human rights and economic freedoms
of the people under those rules were significantl;y less than under our
system of freedom and an open economy.
Many of our interventions, predate communism.
The democratic free market
model is far superior to a socialist one, no matter what Mr. Blum seems to
I see part of your problem. You are confusing a political system with an
economic system. Very easy to do, hell the CIA does it all the time.
What do you think? Was Chile better off under a democratically elected
Allende or a US imposed tyrant Pinochet?