Load test of boat batteries
Any auto parts store can test the batteries, but for myself here's what I
do. Most marine batteries don't last long so if it has a 24month warranty
then replace it after 24months. 36month then replace it after 36months. This
should keep you from the dreaded out on the water and no one is around...
you turn the key and click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click,
click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click,! A fully
charged battery should be 12.6 volts, but this doesn't take in to account
for a internal issue such as the plates come loose or crack. I have seen
good batteries have 12.6 volts and would die under loadtest.
"Friedrich Schübeck" wrote in message
Can anybody tell me how to perform a simple load test to dertermine if
a battery is good enough for the next boating season or not.
My acid tester was in the green range on all cells after chrge, but the
batterrie´s internel resistance increaseed so i could barely
start the engine.
Thank you!
Best regards