Bill O'Reilly's Talking Points kicks Liberal lying sacks in the
How does this solution work any better than what we've done so far?
It addresses the reality that we were not attacked by a country on September
11th, but by a gang of criminal thugs.
If every time we get attacked by a gang of cirminal thugs we respond by
invading and occupying yet another country, how does that even begin to address
the problem?
As you said, the thugs will just go somewhere else that we're not (currently)
Even Bush has said "We cannot prove a connection between Saddam Hussein and the
9-11 attacks", yet our invasion of Iraq is supposed to be this brilliant
response to the terrorist attacks on America. ???
We're defending America against future attacks by letting the culprits run free
while we dink around with a politically motivated side show? Nah.