Ping Bruce in Bangkok
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Aug 2007
Posts: 270
Ping Bruce in Bangkok
On Wed, 15 Aug 2007 20:16:21 +0700,
One way to get your wife to come along is co call from where ever the
boat is and say something like, "Honey, I've been looking for a crew
all over and the only one I can find is this 30 year old Dutch
girl......" A mate of mine did that and I swear his Missus must have
ridden her broom to have gotten to Phuket as fast as she did.
It's not a case of her not wanting to come. She does as I have been
fortunate enough to have a wife who loves the sea. It's just that our
son needs to attend High School and therefore she has to remain in
Sydney for a while.
Have you ever read D.H. Lawrence? In "The Sea and Sardinia" (I think
that is the title), one of his books about his travels through Italy
with his wife Frieda von Richthofen, he constantly refers to her as
"she", never by name. As an aside (my mind wanders off very easily),
whilst at Taormina in Sicily he wrote one of my favorite poems "The
Snake". It is very beautiful.
As to final landfall, not sure but have been invited to stop and stay
at Haiphong, Vietnam as a guest of Customs. I may however end in
Sydney and later sail through Indonesia again to Malaysia. Still
You are in the Caribbean and headed for Vietnam? That is kind of the
long way round isn't it? Or are you going east?
Yes, a faster trip would possibly be down the South Atlantic to Cape
Town and either across to Australia or up to South East Asia but I'd
like to do the Pacific. I have friends who sailed through the Beagle
Channel with a quick trip to Cape Horn Island. It is so very tempting
to do this and then head up to say, Easter Island and French Polynesia
from Chile, but it would be nicer with a companion. They said that
Argentina and Chile are great places to sail through. As there are few
foreign boats and no "water Winnebagos" the yacht clubs are inviting
and generally charge no fees which seems a positive sign of their
hospitality. But, as I said, I prefer to have a companion to share the
experiences with. I can handle the being alone bit as there are
lonelier situations within a crowded city or amongst a group of
people. It is also nice to be able to get longer sleep periods when
one does not have to worry about other vessels. Things are still
fluid at the moment.
Bruce in Bangkok
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