Ping Bruce in Bangkok
On Fri, 17 Aug 2007 03:05:12 +0000 (UTC), David Scheidt
Brian Whatcott wrote:
:On Thu, 16 Aug 2007 07:38:10 +1000, Herodotus
:Have you ever read D.H. Lawrence? In "The Sea and Sardinia" (I think
:that is the title), one of his books about his travels through Italy
:with his wife Frieda von Richthofen, he constantly refers to her as
:"she", never by name. As an aside (my mind wanders off very easily),
:whilst at Taormina in Sicily he wrote one of my favorite poems "The
:Snake". It is very beautiful.
:He later joined the RAF as an a/c two. Died in a motorbike crash.
:Horribly mundane way to go for El Lawrence. of Arabia.
That's T.E. Lawrence, not D.H. Lawrence. Different people.
Not only right but RIGHT. Pillars of .... Aw shucks: time to shut
Brian W