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Doug Weller
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Default Polynesian canoes ( Rat genes solve mystery of great Pacific odyssey

On Thu, 01 Jul 2004 07:52:09 +1200, benlizross wrote:
Oh, they're not anonymous, Yuri. It's just that you've never shown any
interest in who they are or what they have to say. You could start by
looking at the appropriate sections of the Austronesian Comparative
Dictionary, edited by DT Tryon, or the recent book "Hawaiki, Ancestral
Polynesia" by Kirch & Green, which makes extensive use of Polynesian
linguistic evidence, or the article on canoes by A & M Pawley in
"Austronesian Terminologies: Continuity and Change". That's just off the
top of my head. Let me know if you get through those and want a fuller
reading list.

Somehow I think you are wasting your time. Yuri's not likely to read
anything that might show him to be wrong. His research skills have always
been less than impressive.

