Boat Stereo Questions
On Mon, 10 Sep 2007 10:58:46 -0700, Chuck Gould
How about the interface?
I bought a portable mp3 player last year, (not the iPod brand), and I
have loaded one album onto the thing and hardly used it since. The
biggest problem is the interface, IMO. Push this button thirty one
times, bush that other buttom twice, stop to chant, spin twice on left
heel, push first button 11 times more and then second button another
six. Although somewhat exaggerated, I concluded that it takes just
about that much nonsense that to change selections. :-(
I'm with you. I'm getting tired of stuff that takes 10-10 vision,
tiny fingers, and complex sequences to do things that were formerly
done by twisting a big knob.
Five-year-olds have no problem with it, though.