What truck?
On Mon, 10 Sep 2007 17:59:38 -0400, Wayne.B
On Mon, 10 Sep 2007 13:25:00 -0500, Vic Smith
That's why it's best to drive Impalas and Crown Vics with a
spot, and try to look like a cop on vacation with the wife.
The troopers have caught on to that trick and are now targeting the
wannabees for special treatment in drug transit areas.
That was tongue in cheek, of course, but I did once buy a repainted
big Impala with a spot that was once an "official" car. It was a real
good buy. Unfortunately it was repainted in what might be described as
"undercover blue."
Cops never hassled me except I once got jokingly spotlighted by a
similar car, probably narcs. They were laughing as they pulled
alongside, but looked duly embarrassed when they saw the kids.
I used the car a few years before a fifth kid dictated I get a van.
I wouldn't buy such a car again, but it did ok by me. Might have
gotten a few longer looks, but that's all.
I agree with your strategy of blending in with the traffic flow. In
my experience that's the best way to fly under the radar. I also
agree with the trooper strategy of targeting people driving under the
speed limit when everyone else is at the limit or slightly over.
There's a good chance they are impaired, unlicensed, hiding something
or in an unsafe vehicle.
Those are few and far between. Might as well wait for a farm tractor
to lumber by.
No trooper is going to ignore ticketing a guy blowing by at 90 in the
hopes that if he waits a couple days he can nab an old lady or a drunk
he targets doing 55. In a normal 65 mph scenario, he'll find 10 guys
pushing 90 and 100 tailgaters for every car doing 63.
Not to say he shouldn't examine the slow oddities, but I just don't
see many.
I'm on the highway often enough, and in most places I travel I can set
the cruise at 72 and not pass another car for 50 miles.
I don't know where you find all these slowpokes.
Oh wait! It's me! Doing 72 in a 65! Shame on me! (-: