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Default Advice sought on electric trailer winches...

First make sure the trailer is level side to side on the ramp, then just
power the boat up onto the trailer ... too easy.

"Harry Krause" wrote in message
Yesterday, just for the hell of it, I did a solo launch and retrieval of
our Parker 25. The launch was easy, as I was using a deep ramp. The boat
just floated free of the trailer, so I tied it off and parked the tow
vehicle and trailer.

The retrieval was more complicated, but I was able to do it. I'm
wondering, though, whether it would be simpler to buy and install an
electric trailer winch with the capacity to pull the boat up into
position on the trailer. It's a bunk trailer, and, simply by tugging
hard on a line attached to the bow deck chock, I can get the boat pretty
much up on the trailer. I winch it up the remaining two feet using a
hand winch, and, while I can do it, it takes considerable effort. The
winch is sized properly for the boat...but it is a large, heavy boat.

Installing an electric winch on my trailer is not difficult. Where do
you put the battery, though? long do these electric winches
last? I always see guys at the boat ramp struggling with "dead" electric they burn out in a hurry? Does rain shorten their lives?

Advice? Brand recommendation? We're talking a 3-1/2 ton boat/motor/fuel
and gear load here, I'd guess.