If I were investing in all these features at this particular moment, I'd
find one that also has a fuel flow meter in it that would tie into the GPS
for accurate fuel flow, fuel remaining, and mileage readings. Between my
"basic" (and pretty old, but it works) fish finder, my very old hand held
GPS and my new fuel flow meter - if I were to replace all at this point, I
think the cumulative cost would be nearly the cost of single integrated unit
with all the features.
"JGK" wrote in message

Looking to replace my old depth/fish finder its about 8 years old.
To save space I'm looking for a combination GPS/Fishfinder hopefully at a
bargain price ($500 or less). For a GPS I have been using my Garmin
as an alternative is there a Fish Finder that will connect to the Etrex ?
Any recommendations?