New member
On Sep 14, 11:09 am, Joe wrote:
Greetings Regina;
Nice looking boat, except the ports in the hull, weld them over then
you will have a proper world crusier.
You can get better info on alt.sailing.asa then you can here.
Dear Ragina:
Joe has some very good advice. I belive the alt.sailing.asa group has
many more serious sailors willing to help and give supportive
suggestions than you'lll find here.
Also, one person who is consistantly posting helpful advise to woman
sailors goes by the name Wilbur............... Another good source is
also the first books I bought my partner. It is titled , "Changing
Courses: A Womans Guide To Chooseing The Cruising LIfe" by Debra Ann
Cantrell. Well written book for crusing women by a crusiing woman.
Although its also an excellent book for men who need a little
"development and enlightening" to women's special needs.