New member
"Joe" wrote in message
BTW I agree Bob, they need an education. Not much use navigating if
they can not read a chart and do a bit of math.. Then again, we need
someone to run the needle guns and flip burgers.
Have you turned into a moron lately, Joe? You say they need an
"education" as if an education was something you could actually receive
in public schools. Stop for a moment and think how public schools have
very little to do with education nowadays. They're all about a
bureaucracy whereby incompetent teachers and administrators make large
salaries and do no educating. Rather, their jobs have become
indoctrinating young minds into the socialist agenda.
Any children on a cruising yacht, with whom their parents spend two
hours a day teaching them the three R's, will be more highly educated
than the mind-numbed retards the public school system produces. And
combine that real education with the interaction they have with
different cultures and they will be far better human beings. The only
problem I foresee is if the woman does all the teaching. The man should
do the lion's share of it.
Wilbur Hubbard