wrote in news:2itje3pvc3g57h6dis94jrhlmj2dn1ocb0@
What I like about digital music is it is very easy to go in and chop
out any particular song you want. I have an old copy of Sound Forge
that will let you do tricks with sound that would dazzle a recording
studio engineer 20 years ago.
You guys might want to look at "Total Recorder" from
Total Recorder sits between whatever is playing and your soundcard, like
a proxy server. I can also simulate a soundcard to record in silence as
fast as the server will send it, much faster than X1 speed play. Total
Recorder will rip ANY audio from ANY source on the net, webpages,
Realaudio, WMP, any secure player, any sound input (digital or audio).
It's later versions have a neat intellegent recording function for those
late night recordings! Total Recorder now turns individual songs
DIRECTLY into MP3 separate files, complete with functions to strip off
the 2 second deadtime, etc. It will automatically rip like this from any
source, including very high speed conversions of your CD collection
direct to whatever speed MP3 compression you select. All you do is
change CDs. Works great with its own normalization, DC offset, a full
compander to level some awful recordings or streams. It also has a clock
so it can start recording that XM or internet stream and stop it as you
select. The scheduler has lots of modes and options.
TR is not free, but you get lifetime upgrades for a pittance....
To catalog/search/play/log your extensive MP3 collection, I recommend a
Russian program "MP3 Catalog Pro" from
www.wizetech.com, the blazingly
fastest MP3 catalogger on the planet. It's not free either but is cheap.
It automatically creates a catalog of any and all MP3s on your system,
reading the IDx tags off all MP3s it finds for instant searching through
thousands of songs as fast as you can click. Drag the desired search
results to another folder to burn or Winamp's playlist to play works
great. Dragging to Nero burner also works flawlessly...in digital or CD
Just thought you'd like this information.....Sorry it won't switch XM
channels from its scheduler...(c; Maybe in the future if there's a