"RW Salnick" wrote
The challenge to the "hydrogen economy" folks is to explain why if you
have the energy to liberate the hydrogen in the first place, why not just
use that energy directly, instead of throwing away part of it in making
**** if I know, Bob, maybe for the same reasons that if you had the energy
to poke a hole in the ground, pump oil out of it, transport it to the coast,
load it on a boat, take it halfway around the world, process it in a
refinery, distribute it to retailers, and so forth, you'd "throw away" all
that just to gas up the old suburbedition and drive around with your buddy
Sancho imagining that somebody in some usenet group has suggested that
technology exists to make hydrogen power economically feasible when he
hasn't done any such thing. But that's not important right now, because all
I asked is what, if anything, ever became of this: