A general commentary on "Courage"...
On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 07:21:19 -0400, "Reginald P. Smithers III"
Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
On Sat, 22 Sep 2007 07:08:55 -0400, "Reginald P. Smithers III"
Short Wave Sportfishing wrote:
This is the only newsgroup I've ever been in where a post meant to be
funny - penguin on a polar sleeping polar bear with cymbals, can turn
into a discussion about (1) penguins can't fly (2) penguins aren't
located at the North Pole (3) Pigs can't fly either.
~~ sheesh ~~
It is crazy the way NG threads take on a life of there own, but it has
been a problem with Usenet since it's creation. I am sure you have seen
this joke before.
Yeah - I have. Slightly different, but essentially the same.
Even after all these years, it still amazes me.
So are you and that just (that aging hippy) going fishing today?
Nah - I have a ton of things I have to do this weekend - a little
SWMBO stuff and some brush clearing. Maybe head up to the lake this
evening, but that's unlikely.
Maybe Monday or Tuesday - go chase some albies.