Ye gods! That is the old pre-war 'Normandie' they are breaking up on their
beach. A really big ship comparable to the 'Queen Mary'. Norwegians bought
her off the French, removed two of the four engines for the sake of economy
and used her as a cruise liner. What a way for a proud ship to end
up -complete with furniture etc. it would seem.
wrote in message
Dear Friend,
Good day to you.
I am situated in India near Indian ship-breaking yard, where approx
300 vessels are demolished per year. I am leading stockist and
supplier of all kind of Nautical antiques and marine equipments since
1992. My company is registered with Indian government with class A+++
+ grad.
Let me know if you are interested to purchase any kind of Nautical
antiques or marine equipments.
The luxuries passenger vessel SS BLUE LADY ( Ex. SS FRANCE & SS
NORWAY ) has beached at Indian ship-breaking yard for breaking. Let
me know if you are interested to purchase any kind of materials like
Nautical antique, furniture etc from the grand vessel.
You can get 100 percent secure purchase from our company.
Wait for your mail.
Master Supplier,
Email :