Senate Commerce Commitee passes Ballast Water act......
On Sat, 29 Sep 2007 08:40:59 -0700, Chuck Gould
I couldn't get a straight answer from Cantwell's office or from Norm
Dicks' office regarding their positions on exempting small pleasure
craft from the requirement that each and every sort of discharge would
be subject to permit. Comments like, "This is a complex issue with
environmental as well as recreational aspects......", seem to indicate
a lot of political pre$$ure from the Sierra Club, etc.
The last part of that is the critical part.
I spoke directly to my Representative's right hand dudette and she
basically told me that the shipping companies don't care one way or
the other - they will comply with whatever comes up. With respect to
recreational boaters, they are not viewed as an election threat "like
the Sierra Club".
Don't know what that implies, but it don't sound good to me.