sacrifices to be made...
Don White wrote:
"Dan" intrceptor@gmaildotcom wrote in message
.. .
Don White wrote:
My buddy from Tortola in the BVI called this afternoon.
He's after me again to come on down.
I guess I'd better suck it up and do it this fall before the wife is
called back for another work contract.
Vic has a couple of sailboats down there and after this hurricane season,
is hoping to add another to round out his rough & ready fleet.
I think I'll make my reservations for 10 days to see how I like living on
a 32 foot sailboat.
Who's going to watch your kid while you're gone?
You offering?
Send him down. He can see the real world. He might even come back with
some ambition aside from leeching off of Mom and Dad.