"Nav_Quest" wrote in message
On Oct 7, 4:35 am, "Capt. JG" wrote:
"cavelamb himself" wrote in message
You can go to NavQuest.com and download all the charts you want FREE,
save as a .GPX
Other links:
Marine Chart Download -http://navquest.com/marinecharts.html
Is this for real, or jut me?
The site would display but could nopt find files for download.
(Besides being slow and clunky to use)
Trip Planning -http://navquest.com/trip.html
Float Plan -http://navquest.com/floatplan.asp
Marina Map -http://navquest.com/marinamap.asp
Dive Sites -http://navquest.com/divesite/divesite.asp
Shark Attack File -
World of Boating Radio -http://navquest.com/cms/cms.asp
I was able to download charts in PDF. I guess that's useful. the trip
planning was lame.
"j" ganz - Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Please give more details on "lame" Constructive criticism is always
If you are here just to devalue a free product for the point of making
a point no need to respond. I posted here to get feedback not to
squabble with the boating community.
I'm not devaluing something that is already free, but fair enough, although
I think you should be less sensitive and more curious. Lame is a reative
term, which means some important things are missing or poorly designed.
Lame specifically means that for trip planning entering two city/marina
names and getting two lats/longs isn't particularly helpful. A straight line
isn't going to tell me anything, not even giving me an approximation about
duration or how to steer. The planning beta doesn't seem to do much or is
broken or the UI is too hard to figure out.
The trip check doesn't seem to work, even including the export function to
gpx. It's exporting xml.
The float plan is minimal information and seems to what the gpx file.
The marinas on the west coast of the US are missing in action, and the UI is
very slow. You've switched from a drop down list to tabs. Why? The marinas
that are listed overlap so much that it's hard to tell which is which. The
dive site and shark attack sections has the same basic problems... lack of
completeness and difficulty in navigation.
"j" ganz @@