Daniele Fua wrote:
Armond Perretta ha scritto:
I have a functioning Navico TP 5500 tiller pilot ... fitted with the
5000 remote, but unfortunately that seems to be on the fritz ... it would
be a shame to dump this unit, old as it is. However I cannot find a
repair station for this item ...
... I had a similar problem and solved it ... the problem of the H5000 is
that water/humidity seeps in and corrodes the conductive copper film of
the inner circuit board making it go berserk ... my advice is to ... open
the unit (H5000); rebuild the corroded parts with thin copper wire and a
proper solder iron. You will find that lukily only few parts need fixing
and, after that, the R5000 will return into life. Afterwards be very
careful in closing and sealing the unit better than before.
I have already opened the hand programmer to check the continuity of the
cable connecting it to the autopilot. The 5-wire cable seems fine. I did
not notice any other obvious problems within the hand programmer but will
take a closer look this afternoon. Was there a specific location within the
unit where you noticed a problem?
Good luck and good sailing.
s/v Kerry Deare of Barnegat