OT Claims Vs. Facts from BushCo.
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OT Claims Vs. Facts from BushCo.
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Facts schmacts. Bush is great. Bush gets his support from God. Bush
it taking the war to the terrorists on their own territory so they won't
come here. Bush needs to be reelected because if those lilly-livered
liberals get into office we'll have a defense department that implodes,
we'll have an increase in terror attacks around the world, most of
the worlds nations will hate us, we'll have government spending
like youve never seen before, we'll have huge deficits that are
unsound for the economy, we'll be sending BILLIONS of dollars
to other countries and we'll have leaders that we just can't trust
to tell us the truth.
Don't forget that the Candy Floss haired God and his sidekick, the
Teutonic Jesus will be frowning on us for four years. We probably won't
win a battle, the Rider Cup or a Wimbledon for the first four years of
Kerry's term.
But maybe they'll warm to the idea and give us break during Kerry's
second term and then Edwards/Clinton first and second terms should be a
We can probably attract most of the Gods (even Mohammed) to our side
with 16 years of a Democratic Executive branch. Maybe Hillary will be
ready to lead by then.
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