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Default OT Claims Vs. Facts from BushCo.

"Calif Bill" wrote in message
"jps" wrote in message unsound for the economy, we'll be
But maybe they'll warm to the idea and give us break during Kerry's
second term and then Edwards/Clinton first and second terms should be a

We can probably attract most of the Gods (even Mohammed) to our side
with 16 years of a Democratic Executive branch. Maybe Hillary will be
ready to lead by then.


Serious question.
Why are you people so high on Hillary? She has never shown leadership
ability. Was a 2nd rate, forgetful attorney. Could not keep her husband
under any sort of marital control. There are great females available as
candidates. A lot more qualified than Hillary. So why Hillary? California
has 2 female senators. Feinstein is a lot sharper and more qualified. Now
Boxer is a different story. IMO not qualified to be a city council person.

Guess you are just ignorant of fact...again.... Hillary is doing a
fantastic job in NY. Creating lots of needed programs, etc. She has
even stepped in to stop forclosure on some farms in western NY,
working with the farmers and banks to get them back on track, and no,
not with government money.