On Oct 20, 11:09 pm, " JimH" ask wrote:
"Gene Kearns" wrote in message
On Sat, 20 Oct 2007 07:44:07 -0700, penned the
following well considered thoughts to the readers of rec.boats:
On Oct 19, 6:54 pm, wrote:
On Oct 19, 6:22 pm, HK wrote:
Why would anyone fish down south is beyond me. Warm water, fish taste
like crap...
And don't even get me started on what they call
Yeah, I agree. The only way to fish is to freeze your ass off all of
the time. The only true fishing is in the dead of winter, and that
consists of sitting in your house next to the stove dreaming of it.
I've lived in that crap, and I've lived in the south, give me the
south ANYTIME. You really should broaden your horizons!
Skipper? Skipper!
Kevin. ;-)- Hide quoted text -
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Jim, have you found any laws, or treaties that states that because you
live in the proximity of a given body of water, that you own rights to
it, and only those who live near it? As a curious sort, I'd really
like to know where you've gotten that information. And that makes some
questions arise:
What IS the proximity? 2 miles? 5 miles?
What about the people who live near the streams, etc. that feed the
Great Lakes? Given how the water came from their area, wouldn't they
be the real owners of the water, using your analogy?
Which of the great lakes gets the first right of refusal for the
water? There is a flow, so you'd have to wonder.