This guy Ingram says he killed rbp, to
save children.
Parts of Ingrams rants:
You can find my above reply to Jim in, a newsgroup that has
fallen on hard times recently. You can
see that if confronted, most citizens do
not want to post any more deadly and
degrading canoe and kayak propaganda.
This experiment, conducted by me over
several years, shows how responsive the
most rabid "experts" are, when
confronted with the simple facts. Daily
posts on went from
about 50 daily to about zero! The
Nuremberg trials certainly stopped
similar crimes aginst humanity,
conducted on the world stage. Legal
action now, in Canada and the United
States will quickly put an end to these
horrible crimes by the canoe and kayak
industry. And save about twenty (20)
agonizing deaths of children every year,
in the United States and Canada alone,
out of about 120 dead in canoes and
kayaks total, in both countries every
year! See the US Coast Guard website
numbers and Canadian numbers annually.
Would you like to see the pictures of
the 2 dead boys in the Rome Tribune,
February 2005? You see, they were
wearing PFDs too, in Florida waters on a
school trip; but they were denied any
means to get out of the water, so they
died like the Girl Guides, when the
back-up powerboat suffered an entangled
Dr. Milgram set up the Yale experiments
after studying NAZI "monsters", who
baffled prosecutors at the Nuremberg
Trials; by showing love and compassion
for others who were outside of their
targeted "identifiable hate group." Of
course the chapters in this book show
not the Diligent Pursuit of Rescue
Safety, to save innocent victims, even
eleven-year-old Girl Guides. Instead, as
Dr. Milgram's experiments predict, any
number of "reasons" are given for "why"
these deaths must continue.
"Words are inadequate for expressing my
sympathy for the loss of your son.
The dangers of canoeing and kayaking are
real. A simple solution for eliminating
the dangers would be appreciated by many
people. Tim holds out his sponsons as
that simple solution.
This organization sells its' instruction
despite years of information, warnings,
and hundreds of deaths. They operate
like any criminal organization, without
regard for dead victims. Since many
paddlers will paddle while not wearing a
PFD, against advice, these people are
condemned to death, just as those who do
wear a PFD. Whereas otherwise they all
would have a "life raft". This must be
stopped. Thank you. Tim Ingram
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