The killer of rbp.....
Crescentius Vespasianus wrote:
This guy Ingram says he killed rbp, to save children.
Parts of Ingrams rants:
lunatic ranting snipped
Tim obviously has delusions of grandeur and apparently believes that he
actually has influence in this world. Sad and laughable. Anyone who's
been here for any length of time filtered his rants out years ago. I
didn't even realize that he still posted here.
If RBP goes away, it's simply a symptom of what's happening to Usenet in
general. It's basically a relic of the early days of the Internet. There
are so many other outlets for discussions, most of which are graphical,
more interesting (at least visually), and easier for most people to find
and access, that this text-only format is probably going to go the way
of the dinosaurs.
Additionally, it seems that the "kayak craze" that raged for a decade or
so is over. I've seen it in the reduced participation in local clubs and
heard it from dealers. There is still a decent market, but there aren't
as many people getting into paddling as there were in years past.