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Steve Lusardi Steve Lusardi is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 430
Default Furuno radar expert needed

I have a FR2125BB radar without receiver/transmitter/gearbox/antenna unit.
First, I need to convert this to a FR2115BB radar. The difference is that
one 12 KW and the other is a 25KW. Furuno states that I need an antenna
radiator XN20AF. The gearbox should be RSB0074-062 (12KW) or 063 (25KW) and
the transceiver should be either RTR062 (12KW) or RTR063 (25KW). Now, I can
not imagine that there are many differences between the unit (RSB072-60)
(12KW) and my requirement, as both are 12KW and 24 RPM. Do you know if I can
substitute or modify economically the 060 for my useage? I have asked
Furuno, but have not received an answer and it has been more than one week.